Sunday, November 25, 2007


I have found holes in the geometry class at Stanford. My tutor is amazed. They apparently knew there were some proofs that were not quite provable based on the theorems they use in the class (you have to extrapolate conclusions from them) but they did not think anyone would fin the holes. Wow! I am SO pleased.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Autumn Soup

Years ago,the family got together with part of the family who lived near DC. Soup was served that was totally yummy. I asked for the recipe and got it -- go to the store and buy whatever looks good. So I did. Every autumn since, I make a vegetable soup using that recipe. I am making it late this year as it has been so warm outside. Buy whatever looks good... I could not believe the size of the leeks yesterday. And the collard greens were perfect and equally huge! Serve with crusty bread and a variety of chesses and you have a repast filled with tons of healthy vigor!

Contact lenses

Ah-ha. Contact lenses help when you are cutting onions!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I think it was about two years ago when I realized that in order to find something satisfying, I needed to be able to find beauty in it. It is probably something different that other people need to find in what they do, but for me it is beauty.

I find tremendous beauty in math. The beauty is not a visual beauty but an intellectual one. Beauty in its simplicity; beauty in its structure.

Art also holds beauty for me. Its beauty is both visual and intellectual. As an artist, I see a different beauty in art than most people; it is one of conception and creation.

I am lucky. People can spend an entire lifetime and never fully understand what the things are that they most greatly prize. Beauty is my key.

Salt Rub

I had a salt rub today. Wow. My skin feels SO refreshed! It was a wonderful experience to have it along with the massage.

Having massages is doing more for my allergies than even allergy shots. Many days, my nose and sinuses feel completely clear which is truly amazing. The only thing that I can figure out is that the massages compensate for my naturally low blood pressure. And circulating fluids is very good for a person's health.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Today's Activities

Beginning last night, I began to run a fever. I really cooked over night and today I am drained.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Maybe Menopause

Well, maybe menopause is finally approaching. I am 55; I am a senior citizen so it dare well should be!

I raised the temperature in the downstairs by one degree (yes, only one degree as it was just a touch chilly), changed the couch covers and I was drenched in sweat! I thought that maybe I should lower the temperature again until I looked at Esh. He had on his red Cornell sweatshirt! I asked the fated question....."Are you hot?" "No." "Oh." (We are sometimes minimalist conversationalists.) Hmmm. Maybe menopause.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Well, it is finally time to put the summer whites away and bring out all of the darker colors. Thank goodness, I only have to do this ritual twice a year. These days, especially with the trips to UVA, I go f0r comfort. Elastic is amazing.

The Mayan people noticed that if they left the sap of various plants to dry, it became springy. They even noticed that when various plants were planted close together and the saps combined, the elasticity of the substance changed.

So thanks to the Mayans, we have comfort waistbands for all of the seasons!