Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Prime times Prime

Unable to paint today due to a sinus infection, I have been analyzing prime number patterns. As others before me have already done, I am trying to discern a pattern in the ending digits, which are always 1,3, 7 and 9 (excluding the two 2 "weird" primes of 2 and 5). I realized something fun - not Earth shattering - probably realized before by countless others but still fun for me. All primes multiplied by themselves obviously result in a non-prime number; but what is interesting is that the resulting number always end with either 1 or 9!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Photos Memories

I have been working on a painting from a photo of the Outer Banks in NC that I took back in the 1980s.

Funny how I can still remember that day. My first dog, a Springer, was with me. It was windy, with sand blowing everywhere. It was beautiful and I was so happy being there with my best friend.

Food and Dogs

For years I have known that chocolate kills dogs (and in a very unpredictable fashion) but I just found out that grapes (and raisins) shut down their kidneys. Garlic and onions strip red blood cells from their blood. Macadamia nuts are also harmful.

Poor dogs. No more bits of Pepperidge Farm Raisin and Cinnamon Swirl bread....