Saturday, May 17, 2008

Comfort Zone

My entire life I have had to worry about other people's comfort zones -- myself and others need to change.

I have abilities that cross many areas. As a young child I figured out on my own, prior to kindergarten, how to add and subtract. Recommended by my math teachers to tutor others, I was a math prodigy; but I was also a girl. As I got older, I also showed artistic abilities. People who were not comfortable with my math ability steered me towards the artistic side in order to increase their comfort zone when they were around me. Unfortunately, although being an artist is suitably feminine, it is not considered a serious occupation.

The truth is that I have allowed others' thoughts to influence me too much. I am brilliant in both math and art. I am determined to pursue both, and not let others' opinions of what I can and can not do influence me. They need to deal with their comfort zones on their own and stop expecting me to change myself so they can be comfortable.