Monday, March 16, 2009

Palettes Passed Down

As a new watercolorist I am trying to find "my palette". Most artists find a link to certain colors; colors they connect to, colors they think ill work with their style. As I am truly struggling to find any style of any kind, I am searching through quite a few colors. So I have outgrown having only one palette.

This weekend, I was cleaning up the ubiquitous "room over the garage" and found my father's old John Pike palettes. I realized that he would have loved to have one of his own children using his watercolor palettes (too bad I did not inherit his brushes, paper, etc.). So today, I cleaned both of them, and will now get ready to use. They are old so they are sturdier than the newer ones; in fact, they are wonderful. thank you so much for passing them on to me. I will use them with joy, even if my paintings suck!