Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I have fallen in love with gouache. I love its intense colors. I love its "flatness" when it dries. i love the fact that I can control it better than watercolor. Fabulous paint!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What are we missing?

We are stuck in our three dimensional existence; and that dimensional existence hinders us from seeing past that existence. Could our understanding of the quantum world benefit from investigating in both one and two dimensional spaces? We could accomplish this through our mathematics, but I do not believe we have any means to measure and detect in any other dimensional array than our current three. I wonder what we are missing. There are known missing pieces in our current understanding of light, gravitational theory and quantum theory do not line up, and entanglement is a mystery. Perhaps if we could measure fewer dimensions these current quantum issues would resolve. Maybe we would find that every where we go our atoms leave a personal quantum signature (seems unlikely with our current quantum understanding). What are we missing?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thomas Paquette

I have become curious about gouache so I sent for a couple of books. One of the books covered gouache paintings by an artist, Thomas Paquette. following is his web site. Beautiful paintings!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ink On Watercolor Paper

I am using Rotring Rapidograph pens ( ), and Arches 140 lb. cold press paper. I got a surprise today. The rapidograph ink spreads out less on the watercolor paper than on drawing paper so I need to use the larger nibs! What a surprise. Any point smaller than .35 almost disappears on the paper. Points .5 and above look the best. What a surprise. Even 2.0 looks fairly good although it is probably the maximum size before the ink would have too much texture.

Wonders of the Internet

The Internet certainly does have its issues, but it is also such a wonderful resource. I want to begin an ink and watercolor painting and began to wonder if the sizing on the paper would interfere with the ink by clogging my technical pens. I tried researching over the Internet and could not find an answer. Then I went to B&N's site and looked for books. I found several by an artist, Googled that artist, found the artist's website and emailed her (she is out in Portland, OR). I got a response in less than a half-hour! I do not have to worry about the sizing as i am using high quality paper. So great to be able to network with other artists!