Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Journey

I have begun a new journey to find Inertia and Mass. What are their secrets and why have they been so elusive to scientists?

My journey is taking me into high levels of math, chemistry (physical) and physics (quantum) as I think they will lead to answers.

I am excited. My brain hurts....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Balancing Chemical Equations

Today, I realized one thing I do automaically by instinct that makes balancing chemical equations easier. First, I assess my even number verus the odd ones. In other words if I have a reactant that has an even number of oxygens but the products have oxygen in only water, then it is an even to odd situation. This menas that I must 6 (which is 2 times 3) or 12 (which has 3 times four) or some other even/odd multiplication product. I would put an clear example but Blogger does do allow subscripts. So following is a rough example with "v" used before the number to indicate a subscript.

Unbalanced equation:

NHv3 + Ov2 ---> NO + Hv2O

Note that there are 2 oxygens on the left anf 3 oxygens on the right so there is an even/odd situation. Only one of the products has nitrogen and only one has hydrogen, but they are together without any oxygen in the reactants. I decide to use 12 which gives me the options of 3 times 4 and 6 times 2.

4NHv3 + 5Ov2 ---> 4NO + 6Hv2O


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Clean Your PC

I am a PC so I do not know how to "clean" a MAC after going out on the Internet. Here is a good idea for PCs:

Every time you finished going out to the net, go to your Internet Options on your Control Panel (I have a shortcut on my Desktop as I follow these instructions OFTEN). On the General tab, under the Browsing History area, I have selected the Delete History on Exit. To clean your PC, click the Delete... button. Make sure the Preserve Favorites Website data is NOT selected, then selected every option on the lower list. Then hit the delete key. Following this procedure helps reduce cookies and trackers installed on your PC by various web sites.

As an additional aside, never ever store passwords for sites on the site. Always type it in every time you go there.