Friday, May 23, 2008

Who I Am

I am pattern sensitive. I see patterns everywhere; patterns in behavior, visual patterns, movement patterns. Where there are patterns, there are mathematical opportunities.

I am a genius. I figured out how to add, subtract, multiply and divide by the age of five. No one taught me, I just figured it out. I am a mathematician.

I am an artist. I notice and think of so many paintings and drawings, I will never run out. Life will stop before I do all of the art work in my head.

I am crappy at being sick. I hate the disruption to the energy of life so I get grumpy. It has taken 50 years for me to figure that when I am sick I have to stay in bed. Yuck.

I am a terrible victim. I fight back if attacked; otherwise I am fine. I will not allow anyone to mistreat me in any way. I say stop. If I say this several times and they don't stop, I walk away. I believe that quiet suffering is stupid and pointless; it can perpetuate a person being a victim for a lifetime.

I believe that love is not a casual thing. It is forever and deep; and it is for a limited few.

I walk through life with open eyes. I am a realist with optimistic tending. I prize honesty and truth. I think deception is despicable. Two-faced behavior is an act of cowardice. Trust is one of the most important things in life.

I believe that life is a gift and every day should be treasured. The Earth is one big living entity and we are connected to it. We are a part of it. We are one. All forms of life are on the same plain of importance. We are all equal.

I am not a housewife. It is not my calling. I was meant to walk the path most men follow; one of participating actively and fearlessly with the world -- utilizing the gifts I was born with not picking up after other who can do it for themselves.

I am independent. I am strong.