Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Allergies, Allergies, Allergies

Yesterday was the day to bring our beautiful outdoor pots into the garage for the winter.  For the first time, we decided to empty them of dirt so they would be easier to handle (yes, we are getting older each year!)  During the process of emptying the pots, dirt got on my arm.  Then, about a half hour later, I began to itch.  I looked at my arm and it was bright red and blotchy where the dirt had been. A few minutes later I had hives on my torso!  have no idea what my body reacted to but wow.

Later that night, after two Benadryl, I was sleeping soundly in a chair while hubby watched TV....Itching had stopped and hives were gone.  As I age my allergies are increasing logarithmically.  Ho hum.